Wednesday, September 10, 2008

7 things I hate most.

Everyone do this kind of stuff so I was thinking. Why can't I make something like this too? so I try to make it today. Let's see... Okay but no offence to the rest of the people who likes the things I stated down here. It's my blog anyway. Again, no hard feelings.

7. I think the seventh thing I hate most is... Emos... I hate them cause they all look depressed and weepy. They all just think everyone hates them and the fact that they think no one understands them. They all look the same anyway. I hate people that looks like a replica of each other and the fact the emo boys are useless being boys. They are boys for god sakes. The emo boys don't even got muscles or anything. They just look skinny cause they eat hardly anything. I mean being dudes are suppose to be fun cause they live so easy but being emo is like... Transexsual? Make-up all over like shit, wearing thight jeans and showing how big is their bum and cry like kids. thinking of them just creeps me out.

6. Gamers. They are freaks. They all talk weird and they do that alien greetings. Can't they find the meaning of life or something? I mean seating in front of a TV all day and stare at the TV screen drooling while holding that geeky controller is life? I mean I do play video games too but not much. Just football and Okami. I didn't play that long too. In fact I got fed up just sitting in front of the TV for hours pressing repeated bottons all day long. Watching TV is another thing... To me that is. And why must they buy those expensive megazines all the time? They don't even read it until the end and the fact that they are wasting money to buy those stuff every time there's a new megazine coming out? Weird. 

5. Transexuals, homosexuals and lesbians. What the hell is up with them? aren't they glad to be their own kind? Okay talking about transexsuals. They want to be their opposite sex and to do that made them proud? I mean it's not okay if you got a boyfriend and you were once a boy or get married to the same sex you were before. It's what you call crazy. Doesn't it ever cross you're mind? and about homos and lesbos. Yeah they're hot but they kiss the people who are the same sex. It's wrong in everyway people! I mean be manly or logic. It's whack. Plus... nah, I got nothing to say.

4. Jeffree Star. It's a he for god sakes. I mean he got this hair what you call pink in colour and he sounds like an oger. What does he do? Sing. From all the good jobs that are available he picks a singing career. Plus he wears a skirt and full face make-up. Being a man is pride and he would reather be a girl? If men could be like that than this world is square.

3. Disney channel. It's okay at first. Fun cartoons and stuff but since High School Musical is taking over I fear switching the program to Disney channel. I was okay when I first saw the High School Musical's commercial but now they are like... Over the top. All of the world likes them too? I mean since High School Musical takes over the school was talking about them 24-7. It creeps me out. After that Hannah Montanah. She was okay at first but she turned bitchy now. She sings like an earthquake and the next thing I know everyone gots her song in their phones + iPods. And then theres Jonas Brothers. The J-dudes. They are like shit. I don't even what to start about them.

2. Miley Cyrus. I hate her since the first time she got to video games. Her face was like everywhere. People's background phones, their shirts and their fashions starts going Miley. She now sings all the time and everytime I switch to MTV there's her face as huge as the world could see it. I can't blame my TV cause it's plasma right? And she is a whore and a slut. She took sluty pictures and she looks like hell. I better look at my grandma naked than look at her face. Oh yeah, She photoshops.

1. Finally. number one. It's the J-dudes. They are three annoying flees and they rule MTV and [V]. The three tits sounds so bad from the very beginning. They don't got any lifes and they all think they are hot. They're not even manly to start with and if you guys already watch their new video clip of their crappy song it's lame. What was it called? Burnin' up? More like Burnin' go to hell J-dudes. They look so lame in that vid. If you notice the part when one of the J-dudes jumped through the lazors that wasn't really him. The guy that jumps around the lazors are less afro than the real thang. The point it that they suck, retarded and talentless.