First of all before I explain the topic, notes to people who are offended;
:Sorry if i did offend all of you. it's my blog and I can do whatever I want.
:Don't comment nasty comments on this post... Wait, if you want to, go ahead. I'll enjoy reading it. I won't reply though.
So here goes. Trends all over the world are uncountable. There is a huge vorieties of trends on Earth and a lot of Teenagers follow them. That's not really the problem. KIDS as well... Kids are little people who are suppose to be... Childish, fun, smart and active on learning or something like that. They're purpose are staying in school to learn about a lot of useful things. But once reach to teenager hood, it's different. It's okay to do this or that. You're a teen and teens are approve to follow trends. School had been difficult so they do this to release all that. They're too old for video games and Barbie doll and too young fot beer or parties. So in the end, they just follow trends and it's okay. Kids don't.
What to know why? Kids are too young to understand this and that. what are trends? Are they all the same? Are they educational? Are they what everybody do these days? Questions like these never run in children's minds so the way they know is to follow these so-called trends. Since teens knows what they're doing, kids just follow what teens do. So next time when Dad or Mon says 'example you older siblings', just DON'T
What's the annoying part? Well, imagine, a kid said 'I'm so preppy' but the kid can't even own an Armani Code or as simple as a Valentino Vess or something simple like a Burberry shoe. It that cool? That's stupid. Flat-boring stupid. Or another kid wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a pink pants saying something like 'I'm so emo today...', What the hell it that!?! That's a mess, that's a true dissapointment to all emos out there.
Running up to a kid as the kid took a picture of herself and did a claw-like hand and yells 'rawrrr!!!' or something like that is stereo-typing the scenes. It's not COOL, okay? I ran to this kid once in the Whudu room. We talked a bit. She said something like 'I like mohawk hair like how the emos do it. It's so rad!!', one question, WHAT EMO IS MOWAHK? I mean they mistake emo with punk, which is wrong!
To be honest, I hate these people, KIDS. I'm okay with teens but kids? They disgust the trend world. I don't even like trends and I'm not following them. It's not that I don't like it, trends are cool, trends are awesome, trends are well formed but I don't want to, thank you. So kids out there, don't think being like that is cool, awesome, rad, wicked, or whatever you guys linggoed it, it's not. Trust me, the best time is being a kid. And oh yeah, STAY SINGLE AS WELL!!
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